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Silver Nova


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The ground-breaking 728-passenger Silver Nova is Silversea's first Nova Class ship. Featuring an all-new "horizontal" design for the line and all-balcony cabins, the eco-friendly vessel is powered by hybrid technology that includes using shore-side power when docked. Silversea says Silver Nova is the first cruise ship to be totally emission-free in port.

Silver Nova is an environmentally friendly cruise ship with sustainable green technology.

Silver Nova is the first Silversea vessel to be constructed at Germany's Meyer Werft shipyard. It is achieving a cruise industry first: emission-free operation in port by using fuel cells and batteries. Shore power allows the ship to shut down its main generators at select ports and plug into the onshore energy supply, thereby cutting onboard local emissions to zero. Silver Nova uses liquefied natural gas, the cleanest fossil fuel, as its main fuel. This hybrid technology allows the vessel to achieve an overall 40 percent reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions per double suite when compared with its previous Muse Class vessels. Other new features on Silver Nova—and all future Nova Class vessels—include technology to reduce the volume of onboard waste, resulting in lower incineration emissions. Additionally, the Nova Class ships are expected to achieve an Energy Efficiency Design Index rating that will be about 25 percent better than requirements set out by the International Maritime Organization. The ship has a large hydrodynamically designed hull to further reduce fuel consumption.

Silver Nova Specs

Silver Nova is 54,700 gross tons and carries 728 passengers at full capacity, with 556 crew members.

To create openness and spaciousness, large areas of glass are incorporated into the deck plan design, including lifts with glass walls overlooking the ocean. Instead of having an enclosed swimming pool traditionally situated in the middle of the pool deck, the pool is open to one side of the ship to create an area with unobstructed views.

Silver Nova has eight restaurants and includes the line's S.A.L.T. culinary programme that showcases the food and wine of destinations visited.

Silver Nova is the first ship in the Silversea fleet where every cabin has a balcony. Carrying 728 passengers, the ship is also the largest in the fleet -- the 608-passenger Silver Spirit is currently the biggest. Silver Nova is also the most spacious, with the highest tonnage-to-passenger ratio (75 gross tons per passenger) in the Silversea fleet, as well as a 1.3:1 passenger-to-crew ratio. With 364 cabins across 13 stateroom categories, Silver Nova offers the largest choice of suites. These include the new 270-degree view Otium Suite measuring 1,323 square feet and with a 431 square-foot balcony with a whirlpool. The suite is located in an aft corner position and has a living area, separate bedroom, walk-in wardrobe, and a bathroom with a whirlpool and shower.

Silver Nova is also the first ship in the fleet to feature a horizontal design. All of the current Silversea ships have cabins located towards the front of the ship and the public areas at the back. This was originally done because the line wanted to reduce noise by situating cabins farthest away from the engine room. New technology has solved this problem, and most modern ships are now built in a horizontal design with cabin and public areas spaced throughout the length of the ship.

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