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Movie Magic: Cruise destinations you can spot on film

Cruise Circle

Ever get to a location and think, "Where have we seen this before?" Well, let us present five scenic destinations from top box office hits on the silver screen...

"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens"

Looking for hills alive with The Sound of Music? Werfen is where you’ll find them. Surrounded by the green peaks of the Tennengebirge mountain range, here’s where Julie Andrews’ iconic opening song takes place.

And then there’s the World Heritage site Mirabell Palace in Salzburg, the famous backdrop to ‘Do, Re, Mi’. The Italian name for the Palaca, meaning ‘admirable’ and ‘beautiful’, tells you everything you need to know. It is a must-see for its 17th-century gardens.

These river cruises all stop at Linz, not far from Salzberg, so you can pop along and walk in the shoes of Maria and the Von Trapps yourself.

"It's not the years, honey; it's the mileage."

Much of Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark was filmed on the unspoiled island of Kauai, the oldest of Hawaii’s 8 major islands. Kauai’s allure is its lush rainforests and waterfalls, and only 3 percent of the land has been developed.

You probably won't be enthused about re-enacting the opening credits with Indiana's escape from a rolling boulder of death. But a gentle paddle along the river might be quite nice? ...minus the movies' native cannibals and their blowdarts, of course.

These cruises all stop at Nawiliwili Harbour, 10mins away from the river where the opening scene was filmed.

"Hey, this is not a test. This is rock and roll."

During the Vietnam War, China Beach was a recreational spot for American soldiers. In the 1987 comedy-drama, 'Good Morning Vietnam' starring Robin Williams, soldiers find peace and camaraderie here, away from conflict. Visible from the beach are the verdant Son Tra Peninsula mountains, but US troops renamed them ‘Monkey Mountain’ because, you guessed it, monkeys can be spotted in the trees.

These cruises all take you to Da Nang where you can visit military museums or, for something a bit more uplifting, take a trip to the mountains to see the monkeys for yourself.

"In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit..."

Much of the magic from The Lord of The Rings is down to its settings. We’d happily retreat to the lush pastures of The Shire, where hobbits live a simple life, all about growing crops and dancing on tables.

If you fall into this camp too, Matamata is your place. Here, if you're a fan of the films, you'll enjoy exploring Bilbo Baggins’ home and visiting the Shire-folks local for a Hobbit-sized pint. If you have no clue what we're talking about that doesn't even matter, the cinematic views speak for themselves, well worth a visit nonetheless.

You can visit Matamata from these cruises that stop in Auckland.

"May the force be with you"

Lake Mývatn, formed by a volcanic eruption 2,300 years ago, is the out-of-this-world setting for the war between the First Order and the resistance in the newer Star Wars movie - The Force Awakens.

In contrast to the technological, on-screen destruction, the geothermal, nutrient-rich water is a wildlife haven where birds thrive. You can even plunge into the nourishing hot springs yourself, just 15 minutes from the site, at Mývatn Nature Baths.

These cruises, stopping at Akureyri, give you easy access to the Lake.


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